Sunday, January 4, 2009

First radiation treatment. . .

The prayer from my dad was answered as the trip to Mesa was smooth. Mom slept most of the way and was comfortable throughout the journey.

At the radiology appointment the nurse told Mom and Dad that she was not going to get a treatment because Thursday was a holiday and they didn't like to do treatments with a day in between. The doctor then came in and the first thing she said was that mom would receive a treatment that day. The doctor saw the urgency to begin treatment right away. They went to Uncle Bob's and Aunt Phyllis's home to rest until later that afternoon.

This first treatment appointment was rather long because they had to "map" out her bones being quite precise to where she would receive the radiation. She then received the radiation that lasted about 10 minutes. She laid flat on her back and the x-ray machine rotated from the top of her body to the bottom of her body taking pictures that radiated the treatment in the spots previously mapped out.

She went back on Friday and received another dosage of radiation. After both times she was vomiting. Not exactly sure why. . . probably from the treatments. She is suppose to be well to receive treatments.

Mom can't tell any difference after two treatments, although we hope it's doing its job preventing any broken bones. She will receive two more weeks worth of treatments before she moves on to Chemo that will be given in Safford. The radiology is strengthening her bones but not destroying the cancer. The doctor feels the cancer is progressing and needs Chemo right away. Mom is ok with the two weeks rather than the five because she rather be in her bed and the cancer being treated than being on the road to Mesa.

Mom and Dad are leaving to Mesa tomorrow morning (Monday) and returning hopefully on Friday.

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