Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Oncologist appointment

Mom had an appointment today with the oncologist at 10:15am. Of course they were there a little early to start the paper work. Then they sat and sat and sat. They didn't get in until 11:30am. This did a number on her legs. They swelled up and are still swollen. Dad made some make shift support hose out of pantyhose. He cut out the toes and the tops so they go to the knees. They'll have to do until the real ones can be ordered!

Mom received an ivy treatment today that is suppose to strengthen her bones. They also prescribed some pills, pills for her nausea. The old ones aren't working too great.

Next week Mom will under go all the same tests they did at the beginning to see exactly where she is at now( Ct scan, x-ray, blood, urine, sonogram etc. . .) They will then give her a pill that is taken a couple of days before chemo. This pill, CBT-1, is a new drug that is suppose to enhance the chemo treatment. Only 500 patients have tried this pill. After so many treatments they will test to see if any progress has been made.

Malia and I were talking and she wanted to know how mom was doing emotionally. We hadn't even seen her cry throughout this ordeal. So I asked Mom if she ever wanted to break down and cry. No was her reply. Well do you want to be grouchy or mad? With a chuckle she said no. The only lash out was that she got frustrated sometimes. What a lesson for me (Lehua). When things don't go my way I want to get mad. I have to take it out on someone or something. Chocolate is always a good healer, but just to get frustrated a little when the world comes crashing down? I love my mom she is such a sturdy example, even when she has the right to have a melt down she doesn't. She keeps pushing forward one step at a time, taking what life deals her without a complaint. I'll work on that. . .no complaining!


  1. We truly have an AMAZING mother! She put on such a good front while we were there. You could tell she was in pain, but she never once said anything about it. I think all of us have done enough crying to make up for her not! I love you mom!!!

  2. That is why everyone looks up to her, she is such a rock.
