Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Diagnosis 12/23/08 by Marc Natividad

I went with Mom and Dad today to visit with the Doctor(Oncologist) and find out Mom's diagnosis. This is what we found out. She has stage 4 cancer in her lungs and bones with a large tumor between her stomach and lungs. She also has blood clots in the main arteries in her legs. The Doctor told us he didn't believe that there is a cure at this point, but hopes to get it under control. He also wants to be able to manage Mom's pain.

His immediate concern is that the cancer is eating her bones in her legs. He is very concerned that she is going to have a hip or thigh break. He doesn't want that to happen at all. He suggested radiation and medication to stop it. Mom agreed to immediate treatment so the radiation therapy will start next Wednesday(December 31,2008) in Phoenix, Desert Banner Hospital. It is amazing what they can do today. With today's technology they can target the specific bones with pin point accuracy. The radiation will kill the cancer in those specific areas and leave the rest of her body unharmed. She will receive treatments in Mesa 5 days a week for 4 to 5 weeks. In addition to the radiation they will also be giving her a drug for osteoporosis which will hopefully strengthen the bones and increase their density.

After the radiation they will let her rest for 2 or 3 weeks and then start chemotherapy. The chemo will treat the rest of her body. He said they would use a standard chemo for lung cancer. He also suggested that Mom be a part of a clinical study for a new drug being tested for its ability to enhance the effectiveness of chemo. The chemo will require 2 or 3 treatments.

The doctor didn't say what would happen after that. I can only assume they will make an assessment at that point and decide what if anything else they can do. At this point we ask for your prayers and fasting on her behalf. Dad and I gave her a blessing of healing Saturday night, so please combine your faith with ours that the Lord will accept the blessing and heal her completely.

We appreciate the love and concern of everyone. In the end we know that God's Will, will be done.

1 comment:

  1. We love you Grandma Norma. You stay strong, you are in our thoughts and prayers!
    Kory, April and girls
